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Dornie & District Community Council

Kyle Main St temporary closure

Added on 17 June 2020

The Community council has received notice that Kyle Main Street will close for three weeks from 22nd June. See official notice below:



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Highland Council has made an Order in terms of Section 14 (1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 entitled as above.

The order has been made to facilitate works to install pre-constructed panels for new flats (Phase 2) adjacent to Main Street, Kyle of Lochalsh. The effect of the Order is to the close to vehicular traffic (with the exception of vehicles used by works operatives and inspection vehicles involved with the works) a length of the C1232 Main Street, Kyle of Lochalsh from the junction with the A87(T) Invergarry to Uig Trunk Road extending in a Northerly direction for 50 metres or thereby to a point in line with the southern boundary of the Royal Bank of Scotland building and grounds between the hours of 0800 on the 22nd of June 2020 and 1700 on the 13th of July 2020.

The use of vehicles on the length of the C1232 Main Street, Kyle of Lochalsh from the junction with the A87(T) Invergarry to Uig Trunk Road extending in a Northerly direction for 50 metres or thereby to a point in line with the southern boundary of the Royal Bank of Scotland building and grounds is prohibited for the duration of the above mentioned closure, except for vehicles used by works operatives and inspection vehicles involved with the works on the said C1232 Main Street, Kyle of Lochalsh.

The Order will come into force at 0800 on the 22nd June and remain in effect until 1700 on the 13th of July 2020.

Pedestrian access and access for emergency service vehicles to the C1232 Main Street, Kyle of Lochalsh will be maintained at all times.

Alternative Routes:-

An alternative route is available via the A87 Invergarry to Uig Trunk Road, the U4909 Stoney Road and the C1232 Main Street, Kylie of Lochalsh.

Iain Moncrieff

Roads Manager

Council Offices

High Street


IV15 9QN
